Introducing Mile.FFmpeg - The merged FFmpeg dynamic linked library for the Windows

In recent days, I have created a new project called Mile.FFmpeg, the successor of FFmpegUniversal, provides the merged FFmpeg dynamic linked library for the Windows.

I think you will ask me some questions when you read that. Here is the answers of the possible questions.

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The benefit of having a merged dynamic library

  • The merged dynamic library can reduce at least 2MB binary size. If we enable some third-party modules and merge them, we can reduce more space.
  • The merged dynamic library can keep the output binary file tree tidy, I will try to use FFmpegInteropX in my desktop application with MediaPlayerElement control via XAML Islands and Media Foundation directly. My app will support portable mode. Based on that, I will try to rewrite FFmpegInteropX with C++/WinRT because I can use some open source infrastructures make the binary only rely on ucrtbase.dll. I will try to provide my rewrite implementation to this project because I love creating or contributing to open source projects.

Why reimplement the FFmpegUniversal

The reason for doing a new implementation because I want to make my solution support Windows desktop application, and simplify the build process. I try to find a way to get all symbols from *.lib and generate dll export definition without useless export symbols instead of build dynamic version first only for getting the dll export definition.

Also I switch to vcpkg for simplify the project, provide NuGet package and support Windows Vista RTM or later.

Features of Mile.FFmpeg

  • Based on the latest FFmpeg source code tree from vcpkg.
  • Compile FFmpeg and related third-party libraries via vcpkg with aom, avcodec, avdevice, avfilter, avformat, bzip2, dav1d, fontconfig, freetype, iconv, ilbc, lzma, modplug, mp3lame, openh264, openjpeg, opus, snappy, soxr, speex, srt, swresample, swscale, theora, vorbis, vpx, webp, xml2 and zlib enabled.
  • Use VC-LTL 5.x toolchain to make the binary size smaller.
  • Provide NuGet package.

How to use

You only need to search and add Mile.FFmpeg package in your NuGet client or download packages in GitHub Releases if you don’t want to use NuGet package manager.


I hope you will enjoy it. Thanks for reading.