Use VC-LTL in your Rust projects

VC-LTL is a build toolchain that allows developers to use the Windows built-in C runtime libraries elegantly. It allows you to write binaries that only rely on the Windows built-in msvcrt.dll or ucrtbase.dll for the C runtime library. This allows you to achieve the goal of avoiding the deployment of additional MSVC libraries, solving the FLS cap issue and reducing the size of the binary significantly.

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Since I have contributed the implementation of Rust language support to the VC-LTL 5.x source code repository recently, see here for details.

So readers of this article can simply add the following to [dependencies] in the Cargo.toml file.

vc-ltl = "5.0.3-Beta1"

For VC-LTL 4.x users

For VC-LTL 4.x users, please read

Since VC-LTL 5.x has been released, readers are strongly encouraged to upgrade to VC-LTL 5.x.


See also

Windows Research Notes